Veldhuis update Jan 2017

    Veldhuis Christmas 2016 Prayer Letter   Dear Praying Friends and Family,      Uninterrupted fields of fruits and vegetables in every stage of cultivation, growth, and harvest fill the miles between reservations and remind us not only of our need for diligence and patience in the winning of souls, but also of our utter dependence on your provisions and prayers to realize our Lord’s full harvest. “Ye strive together with us in your prayers to God for us” (Romans15:30).      Indeed our deepest prayer and desire is that no Cocopah we encounter ever pass from this life with the cry, “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved” (Jeremiah 8:20).      Thus the “Fall break” from summer’s grueling load was gladly devoted to the follow up of camp and Bible Time decisions and endless overtime hours of landscaping work and church vehicle repairs preparing individuals and resources for our Nov. 3-5, 2016 Native revival meetings. Only the privilege and joy of leading 19 year old Adolfo to the Lord the final night could surpass our gratitude for God’s providence in allowing us to give Lydia to His service in her marriage to Jacob Jones a few days earlier.      Jacob and Lydia resumed their bus ministry and jobs in Gilbert, AZ east of Phoenix while Jacob pursues further Bible training and seeks God’s direction for their future with Lydia’s health problems.    Silas finished his B.B.A. degree in Industrial Technology Management in December and began a six month payed internship in robotic welding with Miller Corp. near Chicago IL on January 9th, 2017. He redeemed himself for leaving us without a pianist by fabricating strategic bus parts before departing.      Bless the Lord and each of you for rewarding months of searching junk yards and aftermarket, or antique part sources for sufficient parts to complete initial repairs on our 22 passenger bus yesterday. P.T.L. for safety using our three times larger bus on treacherous roads for fruit picking, larger Christmas pickups, and witnessing through the distribution of over 200 bags of citrus fruit. Some 60 individual gift bags and tracts were either handed out in person or at our Christmas party.      Thank you for enabling us to call others to salvation and growth through December 21, 25, and 31 special services. PRAY these labors will lead to true conversions and discipleship through ongoing ministries and revival meetings here with Pastor Joe Doyel of L.A.’s Emmanuel Baptist Mission, February 6-9, 2017.      Ever increasing demands from seemingly undiminished needs took a toll beyond vehicles on our health and correspondence. Dawn’s bronchitis prevented her from accompanying me to Treasure Valley Baptist Church’s mission conference. P.T.L. I could still drive the 1,000 mile trip to our sending church solo Nov. 9-13 and receive their enormous gifts for current church building, bus, and yard light projects.      A subsequent major tear of my left shoulder cuff has prevented a full night’s sleep since then and ruled out writing the individual notes we usually add to our letters. We personally appreciate and know of each of your prayers and gifts and are that much more grateful for your remembering these past blessings and future challenges.   Praises:
  • Newly painted functional bus awaiting only a paid differential exchange.
  • Christmas gifts for plumbing, flooring and yard lights.
  • Personal gifts for house repairs, medicine, and dental work in Mexico.
  • Winter visitors, Michael and Rebecca Wilber’s, help wherever needed while in Yuma.
  • 19 year old Adolfo’s profession of faith.
  • The Hastrich’s fruitful Kings Kids ministry and multiple other labors.
  • Physical therapy and assisted care for 45 year old Daren with recurrent crippling back infections.
  • True repentance, conversions, revival, and baptisms of Hart, Hayes, Sereno, Thomas, and Twist family members.
  • Michael’s February 23, 2017 shoulder surgery.
  • Lorie’s fair sentencing and return to the Lord.
  • Revival of Alex and Roxanna, Lorie’s sister, and better care of Lorie’s four 3-15 year old children.
  • No Cocopah deaths from misused casino profit sharing in mid-February.
  • Pray for Silas’ safety and direction during his internship in Carol Stream, IL, a suburb of Chicago.
  • Lasting, eternal fruit to God alone’s glory through our February 6-9 revival with Pastor Doyel.
  • The Hastrichs’ health needs and each of our strength and safety.
                                                                        Gratefully Yours In Christ,                    Michael and Dawn Veldhuis