Baucom’s October 2013 Newsletter

September  2013


Dear Friends Of The Baucoms,


It’s that time of the year again when we enjoy celebrating our anniversaries together.  The Church got together and gave Elaine & I a celebration of our 40th Wedding Anniversary.  They had invited many of our friends as well.  We knew they were going to do this, but we had no idea how many people they invited.  Oh, the congratulations  and gifts were too good!  We were so blessed.  And then it was the entering into our 26th. year of being here on the Reservation as their pastor.  To God be all the Glory!


By the time you get this News Letter we will be into our Fall Revival with our pastor, Brother Bobby Leonard.  He and Larry Langston will arrive on Saturday, October the 5th. and stay with us through October 9th.

Our people sure look forward to this meeting with Brother Leonard.


The Church is doing well. Our attendance is averaging around 35-40 each Sunday.  With summer ended we expect to see more folks come as vacations and summer fun comes to pert near a halt! Praise God!  We are amazed at the visitors that are coming.  Seems just about every week someone new shows up. And most of the time it’s not the folks that we have visited, but those that we forgot about visiting.


Our family is doing good.  We are in contact with them quite often.  Melissa & Pat are attending our Church now and Mary & Derek in Little Rock are busy as can be with their Church.  It’s John that burdens our heart.  He’s still away from the Lord.  He is as sweet and gentle to us as he can be.  Our prayer is that the Lord will bring him back soon.  Everyday my heart weeps for our son.  You know as a parent that you’d give your right arm, right leg or even your life if that would bring your child back to God.  Please, please keep our son John near your prayer closet :'(


Many thanks again to you and your faithfulness to our ministry here.  Apart from your help with prayers and financial support,  our lives would be more complicated.  We thank God for your gracious partnership with and for us.


We Gladly Remain As His Servants,

Tommy & Elaine