Baucom’s May Newsletter

Once again the Lord has met our request and exceeded in giving us a “High Day” in attendance of 38 people.  And that’s not all; On Sunday, March 17th, a Native man came forward in the invitation for salvation.


Several people have noticed how that the Lord is restocking and rebuilding our Church with a different group of people.  People are coming that we never had any idea would.  The talk in the Church and among visitors is that the Church is so different now.  It is so peaceful to come to Church and enjoy it now.  The fellowship is great!  It seems like we are starting all over again.  We have much liberty and people are getting involved in many other areas now.


My wife Elaine is working daily in the school with our four students.  One of them is planning on graduating this June.  This will leave three students. We have rolled it over in our minds about opening the school up to whoever wants to enroll.  We’ve never done this as we don’t have the staff now.  This would be something that needs great thought and prayer.


Our son John is still living in a far country.  Yet the Lord is merciful to him.  We see him about once a week.  Also, he has just been hired by Ford Motor Company in Mississauga, Ontario, close to Toronto to work on an assembly line.  I never thought that would happen, but the Lord is again, merciful!


Melissa is in Hamilton, Ontario, about 45 minutes from us. We see her about every three weeks, but communicate every 2-3 days.  She is attending Church there, but not like we’d like her to.


Mary is married and living happily in Little Rock.  She and her husband are so happy together. She serves the Lord as their Church secretary and pianist and also works cleaning houses and bakery orders on the side.


Due to Churches struggling with the economy and our Church here being cut down in half the size, we had lost around $1,500.00 a month support since October.  We have gained about a thousand of that back as our Church here now is able to pay our rent in town.  We do not plan to move back to the Reservation due to the Residency Bylaws that are being examined considered.

We probably could move back, but we know that as non-native, this bothers many people. We are very happy in our apartment.  We are about 7-8 miles away from the Church.


There has been some Churches to send in special offerings.  That has really helped us greatly.  Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

We are indebted to all of you dear folks.  We’ve never been so blessed with the ministry here as we are now.  God is blessing the work and our hearts as we continue to minister here.  We are so encouraged and happy, happy, happy!