Dear Friends in Christ,
Last week, we attended a memorial service for our mission founder and former director, David DeFord. It was a great day. We reminisced over the ways Dave was a blessing to us as well as enjoying visiting with many of our missionaries, that we haven’t seen in a long time, and hear how God has been working among the various tribes. After the message, there was a “live mike” as various ones shared. One young man said he had only met Dave once, but Dave’s ministry to his in-laws was used in his own personal life and led him to Christ. Another lady shared that she was raised in a Christian home and wanted to thank each missionary for bringing the Gospel message to her people. She told us that she was praying for several of us by name because she had seen God using us. Yes-it was an encouraging day!
As we mentioned last month, a local church in Flagstaff, started the Northern Arizona School of the Bible here in town and Sam has been helping with the teaching. We still haven’t heard anything about the Dine Bible Institute restarting on the Navajo Reservation, but the area is still in “lock-down”-though we are hearing rumors of this opening back up soon. Please pray with us for these classes in God’s Word.
We were scheduled to fill in for a missionary on the Hopi Reservation the last 2 Sundays of this month. However, their tribe is now starting a “lock-down” over the week-ends, so the church there has decided to meet on Friday afternoons, rather than Sundays when they are restricted from moving about. Last week, we went for services, but spring break had many of the families off the reservation and no one came. We were told that they would be back this coming week, so we are praying they will be available to fellowship together this coming week. This is a difficult area and people are not in consistent in attending. It has made us more conscious about praying for this ministry and that the missionary family would not become discouraged.
Please continue to pray for our elderly folk that are isolated in the nursing homes. We pray for the individuals that we know personally. Don’t forget to pray those in your area that are restricted from loved ones and in need of Christian fellowship.
We have heard from one work team that is planning to come to Thorne Bay, Alaska in August to work on the Radio project and the construction of the building. We are still waiting for travel dates from another possible work team and then will get travel dates so Sam can get there ahead of the workers and have the supplies that are needed available. Continue to pray with us regarding the electric, as well as safety and good progress in the work.
What a comfort to know that God is in control of everything in our lives. Thank you so much for your prayers and your part in our ministry. We are very much aware that you are important to our work here and often pray for various churches and individuals that have helped us over the years to be able to serve where God has placed us. Thank you.
II Cor. 2:11 “Ye also helping together by prayer for us.”
In Christ,
Sam & Janet Grammer