Grammer September 2024

Dear Friends in Christ,

                In 1972 ( 52 years ago), we moved our family (3 daughters at that time) from the east coast, to the southwest US to minister to the American Indians.  It has been a real joy to now see some of the fruits of our labor! ( III John 4 “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”).  Our ministry now is more support and encouragement to those who are now ministering to their own people.  Thank you for having a part in this work!!  We find ourselves stepping in as pastor and missionaries have to be away from their churches and also opening our home to them as they travel to Flagstaff for various reasons; sometimes to simply have someone to listen and pray with them for burdens they bear. 

                Late in October and into November, Sam will be preaching for a missionary on the Hopi Reservation as he and his wife need time together for a vacation.  These people are a difficult group as they are very superstitious and grounded in the old traditional beliefs.  Pray with us and for the Magnarellas (the missionaries) as they minister to these people.  

                Sam has had no more health issues, but they are still trying to discern what the problem was, so it doesn’t re-occur.  Thank you for your prayers.

                                We have been asking you to pray with us about getting electricity to the site in Thorne Bay for the radio station.  We recently talked with the power company on the phone and were told that we need $40,000 to see this happen.  It would require drilling into the rock to set the pole.  (After 5 years, neighbors could then use the same pole and also have power.)  We would need this power to allow us to keep the station on the air around the clock (as well as for the convenience of the missionary who will live there).

                We just don’t have the financing at this time.  So far, the Lord has kept us out of debt with each need and we are trusting Him to meet this need also.  If anyone would like to help with this, please add a note designating your gift for the electric for Thorne Bay.  Please continue to pray with us for this need.  Nothing is impossible with God!  Thank you.

                We have been following the reports on Hurricane Helene as we have family in its path.  The volunteer work crews,  that have helped at Thorne Bay, are located in western NC  and the reports are not good for that area.  They need our prayers!!

                Sam is once again teaching at the Northern Arizona School of the Bible teaching  CHRISTIAN FAMLY LIFE and HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE.  Pray for him as he prepares for classes and for the students that attend.

                At present, all of Janet’s piano students have moved on to other interests(other instruments and soccer), but she is still involved with her ministry at the local Residential Home, visiting a friend (former member of a church Sam pastored and also a Navajo interpreter when Janet spoke to groups that knew little English),  as well as once a month having a group Bible reading and singing a couple of old hymns with the other residents. Prayer for this outreach is appreciated.

                She also does child care for a local women’s Bible study, as well as working on a children’s bell program for the Christmas season.  Boredom is not a problem for her!!

                If you are still receiving our monthly letters by mail, we are now sending 2 letters every other month to help with the cost of postage.  It is also possible to find our monthly letters on the mission website:

                 Again-Thank you to each of you for your prayers and help in our ministry.  You are very much needed!

II Cor. 2:11 “Ye also helping together by prayer for us.”

In Christ,

      Sam & Janet Grammer