Once again, this year, we won’t be sending out a separate letter for the month of November s we won’t be home but spending some time with our family for Thanksgiving (and of course, some deer hunting with the kids and grandkids!) We would appreciate your prayers as we travel. This year, we will not be flying but driving.
Janet’s leg is improving and the Dr. and physical therapist don’t see any need for more visits unless things change. They do predict it will take some time for the muscles to re-learn their purpose and things become “normal” once again. We felt that by driving and pulling a cargo trailer that has been outfitted with bed and eating area, Janet won’t have as many steps to climb and hopefully give time for continued progress.
It has been a year of challenge with the 3 major wild fires, flashflood warnings and Janet’s injury, but God has been good to us, providing protection and all our needs and more. We can only thank Him. What a great God we have!!
While away, we hope to visit with some of the volunteer workers from the past couple of summers at the Radio Station project in Thorne Bay. AK. Some of the things we had hoped to accomplish had to be postponed until next year. In particular, we could not put siding on the building because it was just not available. Cedar is considered the best for the climate in the area and there was none to be found. We do have someone trying to locate and cut the lumber so it can be put on next summer. However flooring and electrical wiring were put in, so the time was not wasted. How thankful we are for workers that know how to do these various tasks.
Please continue to pray with us for:
1- the needed cedar siding .(Hopefully it will be cut and ready by next summer and at a reasonable cost.)
2-the electric will be brought to the property and the generator will no longer be needed
3-direction for the man that God would have live there and maintain the broadcasting
4-people will hear the gospel message and accept Christ as Saviour and grow spiritually.
5-we have been able to stay out of debt. (funds are needed to continue to meet future costs of building and for the missionary who will keep the station going.)
Northern Arizona School of the Bible only has 2 more classes (after tonight) to finish the fall semester. What a joy to be able to serve the Lord in this ministry.
Once again thank you for praying with us and being a part of our ministry to the Lord.