June 2022
Dear Friends in Christ,
For 3 weeks, we were privileged to travel to the Navajo Reservation for Sunday services with the folks at Kayenta while their pastor and wife were away. This is about 2 ½ hrs from our home in Flagstaff and you have to add an hour because we are not on daylight savings time and they are. So it was an early morning for us each week-but we enjoyed our time with them. Thank you for praying with us.
On our last Sunday with them, on our way home, we got a call from a neighbor and found that another wildfire was burning in our area and evacuations were in the making. AGAIN!! (Remember that in April we had to evacuate because of the “Tunnel Fire”.) 2 more wildfires started and the wind blew them in the same direction as the “Pipeline Fire” but after a few days these were brought under control, though we can still see smoke in some areas on the mts. This means much of the forage on the mts. has been burned off and there is a great danger of flash floods when our summer monsoon (rainy) season begins. So many of you knew of these dangers and sent us texts and messages letting us know you were praying for us. Thank you so much! God protected our home and neighborhood and gave us peace during this turbulent period. Please continue to pray with us through the rainy monsoon season that is now beginning.
As we mentioned before, Sam is to fly to Alaska June 28-July 13 to get supplies ready for the work crews coming up in July and early August. Please pray with us that this radio station can soon be broadcasting.
Once he arrives back home, he has only a few days (July 17-23) before he is to teach the English sessions ( 2 times each day) at the Navajo Family Bible Camp which is held annually here in Flagstaff.
In August, we hope he can make a second trip to Thorne Bay, Alaska to close things up for the winter. At present, tickets for this trip have not yet been purchases. Pray with us for this second trip and that air fares will be reasonable.
You are an important part in our ministry- in financial support and especially in praying for us. Thank you so much!
II Cor. 2:11 “Ye also helping together by prayer for us.”
In Christ,
Sam & Janet Grammer