Dear Family and Friends In Christ,
Through your prayers and the saving grace of our Lord’s Incarnation we were privileged to give the Gospel to families of the 7 Cocopah that passed away since our August letter and comfort believers with the assurance that “to be absent from the body [is] to be present with the Lord.” (II Corinthians 5:8)
P.T.L. at least five of the seven 29-84 year olds who went home had trusted Him as their Savior before passing unexpectedly from Covid-19 complications of pre-existing illnesses.
The exposure to the Gospel of our Tribal Chairwoman at several of these funerals was a paradoxical blessing, as she had kept all three reservations closed to any group meetings since May, 2020. PRAY our much more congenial relationship will be a stepping stone to Ms. Sherri’s conversion to Christ and the full reopening of the Cocopah Nation in God’s perfect timing.
She currently welcomes reservation-wide distribution of school and food packs, clothing, DVD messages and Bible activities, studies, and contests but limits in person services to Natives living in Yuma. How grateful we are for your enormous provisions for our 1,000 souls’ homebound needs and your enabling us to also livestream three weekly services to them and distant Cocopah!
Covid outbreaks here and in the Navajo Nation far away forced the cancellation of our annual November Native revival and further broadened our Christmas ministries here. Rather than bus large numbers to church meetings, we will take the Gospel to every receptive home through irresistible, individual Christmas gifts, fruit, and a beautiful prerecorded Christmas story.
The replayable story transitions powerfully into a clear explanation of the Gospel and an invitation to personally trust and receive God’s unspeakable gift as Savior. Only the Lord knows the untold cost of these recordings by a South Carolina supporter or the part your prayers and sacrifices will play in “delivering souls from the kingdom of darkness…into the kingdom of His dear son.” (Col. 1:15)
We humbly ask the One “that ministereth seed to the sow