Thank you for your continued prayers and support of this ministry! The last two months have been busy ones even though the reservation continues to observe a stay at home order. In July our juniors and teens were able to attend camp in Williams, AZ. The tribe allowed them special permission to be away from home for which we were grateful! One of our missionaries home on furlough was also able to stop in and give a report from the field. Another highlight was the ladies’ getaway in Williams. Sherry was a guest speaker this year. She was blessed and humbled to hear the impact the lessons had on ladies lives.
In August we traveled to Indiana and Ohio to visit family and attend the memorial service for Steve’s dad. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported our family. One of the many blessings we received was having all but one of our children and their spouses present! Now we are back home and school has begun again. We have added another Zoom meeting to our weekly church schedule and eagerly await the day we can meet in person.
For God’s Glory, the Steve De Ford family