Grammer August 2020

Dear Friends in Christ,
In our last letter, we shared our plans for the month.  Much of the month, was planned to be in Thorne Bay, Alaska working on the radio station project.  Those were our plans, but God’s plan was different and His plan is always the best.  
After getting the COVID -19 test that is now required for travel to Alaska 72 hrs before departure flight, Sam’s trip (Results were negative) had to be cancelled.  Some health problems came up that the Dr. wanted checked out and then a worker that we expected cancelled his trip.  Things worked out according to God’s plans.  The health problem is being taken care of and the other volunteers arrived and much was accomplished on the building project.  Once again, technology was very helpful and our phone was busy as we kept contact with the workers and directed them from afar. This ministry is progressing on God’s time table.  Please continue to pray with us for it to be ready to be on the air and continue to pray that electric will be brought to the property so that that we won’t need of a generator for power, which will limit air time.
While at home, wondering why God closed the door this year for Sam’s travel, a call and then a visit came from a Navajo man in need of spiritual help and counsel in his life.  We were reminded to be thankful and trust God to use us as He will, even if it is different than our plans.
The reservations are still closed to outsiders, so our travel there is still on hold but our ministry is now based out of our home more with phone calls and visits.  Satan can’t stop God from working in the hearts of men! 
We are still uncertain when Bible school classes will begin again, since the reservations are wary of outsiders and have strict curfews set for their people. Pray with us to know when these can start once again.
We are very aware that we are not in this ministry alone.  Again, we thank you for your part in providing so we can continue to minister here in Arizona. God has been good in meeting all our needs and He has used you to accomplish it.

II Cor. 2:11 “Ye also helping together by prayer for us.”

In Christ,
Sam & Janet Grammer