Dear Prayer Warriors, Oct /Nov 2019 update
We are sending this letter from Arizona to update you, our faithful praying friends and family, of the answers to prayer and the blessings in our life and ministry.
Since our last update letter we have based in Chandler attending the Chapel for services. David had one of the services due to Pastor Marshall being sick. It is always good to be in their services to worship and fellowship with those believers. Many of you who have visited the Chapel will remember Lela Jackson. She will be 87 in January and is faithful to every service that she is able to attend.
In October we moved to Bapchule on the church property for ten days. On October 12 we held a memorial service for Kathy Noyes, Becky’s sister that went home to be with the Lord August.
It was a joyous celebration of her life. She had lived on the church property working in the IBIMI office for about three years. Her four children from Washington, Colorado, and California were there as well as our sons and their families. It was an emotional time sharing happy as well as sad memories.
From the Chapel we moved to Williams, AZ. and attended the West Branch Advisory Board meeting. It was encouraging to see the strides West Branch is making in completing the facilities there. Many Indian young people have attended the camp and several saved because of
this ministry. We enjoyed a round trip venture to the Grand Canyon one afternoon via the train from Williams provided by West Branch.
After returning to Williams we moved our home to Camp Verde and Living Waters Baptist Church to minister with Paul and Naomi Sondergaard while Pastor Gary and Beverly were traveling. It was a blessing to help in a morning service, a Wednesday prayer service and a Sunday evening service. Other opportunities there were helping in the children’s services.
While in Camp Verde we were grateful to have repair work done on our AC. It is cooler there, but over 100 degrees is still pretty warm without proper working air. The repairs also included work on the furnace. It was gratifying to find two very capable repairmen just three miles from the church where we had our home parked. The end of October we moved back to Chandler and have continued to attend the services at the Chapel.
November 14 we flew to Fargo, ND to attend our grandson Micah’s wedding to Rachael Holden. It was a beautiful wedding and was good to see Steve and Sherry and their family. We were blessed while there to stay in the home of Pastor Mike Felber and his wife Cindy. It was a great time of fellowshipping with them while in Fargo.
Back to home in Chandler on the 16th in time to celebrate our 59th wedding anniversary on the 19th. What blessed memories these years hold, including our three sons, two daughters-in -law, nine grandchildren, two grand son-in-laws, two grand daughters-in-law, and one great grandson,
along with the 43 years the Lord has given us to serve Him in ministry. This summer we will have a wedding of another one of our granddaughters. We are so blessed!!
Good to be in our IBIMI churches for services and to be of assistance when needed
Safety in travel
Great annual IBIMI retreat and board meeting in Albuquerque including survey trip to a Pueblo
reservation north of Albuquerque.
The Lord’s continued guidance and blessings
Successful cateract surgeries for both of us.
Opportunities to explain the need for more missionaries going to reservations.
Pray with us for the Lord’s direction in whatever He chooses for us in the future. We are aware we won’t be able to travel as we do now for any great length of time.
We are planning through January 2020 – July 2020 should the Lord lead. Thanksgiving dinner and service Nov 24 at the Chapel Christmas programs in all our mission churches
and Becky’s second cataract surgery Dec. 2.
In His love and ours,
Dave and Becky