Dear Friends in Christ,
We have just returned from 3 weeks away from home. We left for our annual family get-together for Thanksgiving with our family. The table was set for 26 with 4 generations present, (2 were just over 2 months old). We stayed a week longer so we could be there for the wedding of a grand-daughter (the 7th grand-child to be married). It was great seeing the family once again and hearing how God has been working in their lives and using them. But after sleeping in 6 different beds, comfortable though they were, the one at home fits the best!
This Sat. is the final class for the Dine Bible Institute for this semester. The modular system was used this fall so that all the material was covered in 3 Saturdays, rather than 15 Sundays. This greatly reduced the travel for the students. It seems to be more acceptable to all, but we’ll see when tests are graded to assess how effective this method is.
While traveling, we visited with some men that have helped us in the past with the Thorne Bay project in Alaska. There is some interest about helping once again, either this summer or next. Please pray for workers, as well as finances as this project progresses. We’re getting eager to have the radio station on the air. God is in control and has a plan which includes the timing, so we rejoice as we watch the progress.
While we were away from home, 2 ft. of snow fell in Flagstaff. This is a blessing as our water supply is replenished with the winter snows and we had an extra dry summer this year. Between the snow and strong winds, some branches broke off around the house-but no real damage was done to our home. God has been good and protected our home over the years as we travel. He has also provided neighbors that watch while we are gone. This year, one lady brought in our mail and daily started a fire in the wood stove to keep pipes from freezing.
With the Christmas season upon us, we use the opportunity to share with others the Gospel message. Please pray with us as we share Gospel tracts with cards and Christmas goodies, that other Believers will remember what God has done for us and that the unsaved will realize their need for God’s gift of salvation.
Thank you to each of you for your prayers and gifts that make our ministry here possible.
II Cor. 2:11 “Ye also helping together by prayer for us.”
In Christ,
Sam & Janet Grammer