Messick January 2018


Happy is He that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God.” Psalm 146: 5

Dear Friends and Family,

In our Christmas letter, we were looking forward to the ladies Christmas party, the Christmas play and our family Christmas.

Nine ladies enjoyed a great evening at the party hosted by Naomi, and her devotions were a blessing and challenge.

The children did well presenting the Christmas play “The Christmas Story,” and we were pleased to have several visitors in attendance.

How we loved our Christmas celebration with our kids, grandkids and Gary’s brother, Jack. We’re so thankful for every minute we have together, but the only downside was that the time passed much too quickly!

God continues to use people to bless His work at Living Waters Baptist Church. Once again, Don & Patty Beebout from Shariton, Ia. spent a few days of their time to help with work projects. You may recall that last January a building was erected that is a combination teen boy’s classroom and storage shed. While Beebouts were here, the men were able to get the electrical wiring run, insulation and drywall hung. Patty helped Naomi & Bev organize another storage area, decorate for the Valentine’s Banquet, and even get some decorations made for VBS. We also enjoyed a lot of good fellowship with these dear folk. Praying God will richly bless them for their labors.

Prayer Requests:

*Parents to not just send their children to church, but have a desire to come with them

*Our Valentine’s Banquet

*Salvation of several children and adults

*Need for another van or mini bus as we are consistently running 15 to 20 children on Sunday and Wednesday evenings


We thank you for your faithful prayers on our behalf. Our Lord is so loving and faithful to meet our every need. May He find us all “looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.”

In Him,

Gary & Bev