Dave and Becky DeFord February 2017 Update

Dear Prayer Warriors, February 2017 update

So much has transpired in the last two months that it is difficult to know where to begin this update. It makes us realize all the more how we much we depend and rely daily on your prayers. We know there are many of you individually and corporately as a church family pray for us on a regular basis. There is no way we can ever convey our gratefulness to you in a satisfactory manner. Please know that we don’t take for granted the prayers offered on our behalf. We’ve seen the Lord answer your prayers for health, safety, ministry among numerous other requests. It is because of this we will attempt to relay a portion of His working in specifically these three areas.

On Dec. 19, we traveled to Steve and Sherry’s near Kingman for Christmas and to house and pet sit for them as they left the 20th and traveled to the Midwest for Christmas to be with Sherry’s family. On Saturday, Christmas Eve, David became very sick, shaking uncontrollably and eventually vomiting and having diarrhea. This did not subside. After calling 9-1-1 and praying they would arrive quickly, because we were 25 mile from the hospital in Kingman, they were in the house within 10 minutes. (Prayer!) He was transported to the hospital and spent the next 5 days there undergoing numerous tests without a definite explanation other than something had blocked his gall bladder causing his liver to react by driving his bilirubin number to 4, normal being 1. He was jaundiced and extremely weak. This in turn caused atrial fibrilation in the heart.

Having 4 dogs including our two, to care for at Steve and Sherry’s it was necessary to return to the house. The night he was admitted it had turned cold and rainy. Being in a hurry to get inside the hospital I did not pay close attention to where I had parked other than recalling it was under a light. One of the EMTs that had transported David was still in the ER. She suspicioned my dilemma and asked if I knew where I had parked. Admitting to her I didn’t even know what side of the hospital I had parked. After asking a couple of questions she had an idea where to look and walked me all the way to the truck in the cold and rain. Because of the driving conditions it took somewhat longer to get back to the house, but I was confident David was being cared for and knew God was completely in control. (Prayer!)

When we got back home we were able to see our regular PCP and she instructed us to go to our local hospital ER. This was due as a result to an EKG that was done in her office. We were there for 3 -4 hours and after a Diltiazem interveinous drip returned home. (Prayer!) In the following weeks we have found that whatever was in the gall bladder has passed and no longer a problem, liver function is good and after a heart ablation the atrial fibrilation has not been a problem and some prescription meds have been suspended. Again Prayer!

In our last letter November 2016 we asked prayer for several folks. Included in that list was Brian Jackson. This is Lela Jackson’s son. Those of you who have visited the Chapel will probably remember these two. The Lord saw fit to take Brian home January 27. He was a blessing to watch in his spiritual growth. The last six to nine months he was in church faithfully if he was not hospitalized. He had had one leg amputated below the knee and had several bouts with infection. Please remember Brian’s family in prayer. The funeral will be Saturday Feb. 4. Marshall will be doing the church service and David will be doing the graveside service.

Another event that is coming up is the February 25 wedding of J. Ray Cooper and Liz Black. We are having pre-marital classes with them and are excited to know they both love the Lord and are wanting to serve Him in their life together.

Also on schedule for February and March are demolition and remodel at the Chapel. The mobile home we bought when first coming to Arizona has served several families well for these 40 years, but has come to the end of service. It will be taken apart and sold for scrap. The garage on the Chapel property will be given a new facelift and roof. The garage will be used for storage and will be painted to match the church building.

We realize this update has been lengthy, but felt it necessary to have you aware of how important your prayers are to all those standing with you in reaching the world with the Gospel of Christ. Sometimes the details of an experience drive home the need to be in constant prayer.

When the Lord brings someone or some particular need to mind that’s the time to pray.

Prayer Requests: Praises:

Jackson family The many clear answers to prayer

Wedding Feb 25 Physical grow and spiritual growth at the Chapel

Safety for work crews while remodeling


In all the activity over the holidays we received so many Christmas cards and Get Well wishes and we want to thank everyone who sent gifts and well wishes, We tried to do this individually, but we may have missed some unintentionally.

In His love and ours,

Dave and Becky DeFord