Lamentations 3:24 The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.
Greetings from sunny Arizona!
We finished an unusually dry July with some much needed rain. But the late rain was just one of the many blessings we received from the Lord this past month.
Early in the month several of our juniors attended camp in the cool pines of northern Arizona. One of our youngsters received a scholarship from our church in order to be able to attend. Another one of our youngsters surrendered her life to Christ this year! All of them had a great week at the Bill Rice Ranch West Branch.
Later in the month we held VBS studying the life of Joseph. We averaged 49 youngsters each night; and best of all two young men were saved! Our church folk did a great job again this year running every aspect of Vacation Bible School.
As July 31st was the fifth Sunday of the month our youth group took on most of the responsibilities of our morning worship service. They made announcements, took up the offering, covered the nursery and Sunday School classes, as well as sang a special during the service. Then our youth leader, Cleve, preached the morning message.
Thank you for your continued prayer and support of our family and this ministry. It is truly our pleasure to serve our Lord and represent you here on the Hualapai Reservation!
For God’s Glory,
the Steve De Ford family