Oct. 2016
Dear Friends in Christ,
A Christian contractor from Alaska has given us a fair bid on the building of the radio station building and was willing to adjust it so we could stay within our budget and not go into debt on the project. However, he suggested that it would be better to add 2 more supports to the foundation that has been laid and his suggestion made sense. It will require about a day to do it so another trip is planned to Alaska, thanks to the financial help of some of our Christian friends and supporters. Thank you. This trip will only be for a few days and by the time you get this letter, Sam should be in AK. Please pray for good weather so that the work can be completed in this short time. They hope to start work soon and have the exterior completed this winter. Pray also for safety as he travels and that he will make all the connections of the airlines and ferry schedules. We appreciate your prayers and help with this Christian Radio project.
Every Sunday this month, we have been scheduled to fill a pulpit on the Navajo Reservation. This requires a 1 ½ -3 hr. drive, depending on the church in need. One church, Dilkon, is presently without a pastor and a very small congregation. Pray with us for a full-time pastor for them.
In the fall of 1972, we left our home in Maryland, packing up our 3 daughters (at that time) and headed for Arizona to minister among the American Indian people. We are now starting our 45th year, and rejoice in what we’ve watched God do in lives over the years. Thank you for your continued help in putting us on this field of ministry.
We have been putting on many miles as we travel for ministry and God has kept us safe. We are also enjoying good health. Thank you for your prayers, as well as your gifts!
II Cor. 2:11 “Ye also helping together by prayer for us.”
In Christ,
Sam & Janet Grammer