April 2014
Dear Friends in Christ,
We’ve been hearing about the harsh winter and snow along the east coast, while we had a very dry winter. I think you took our snow. Living in a desert, we rely on the winter snows for much of our water supply. With no snow during the first few months of the year, we weren’t overly dismayed with a snow in late April! The forests are often closed in the spring because of fire danger, but this year, they have closed early.
Each Easter, we have a dinner at the church. This year, following the meal, we had a Seder, or Jewish Passover demonstration. This was presented by a missionary couple that minister to Jewish people, Ron & Pat Draper. What a good reminder of Jesus, the Messiah, our Saviour.
Please remember our students as the school year will soon be over; only 3 more weeks. Pray for the home schooling families as they try to finish off all their requirements for the year. And don’t forget our Bible School students, Daniel and Tyler, as they have papers due and final exams ahead.
When we pray for our Bible School students, we pray for the 2 young man from our church in Page, 2 of our grandsons, 1 grand daughter and several others that we know from our mission family and friends. It is encouraging to us to see the next generation training and preparing to serve God. But we are fully aware that this is not pleasing to the enemy and he’d like to stop them or distract them. So we keep them in our prayers.
Also pray for the summer ministries that our young people will be involved in; camps and mission trips… more opportunities to prepare and serve at the same time. We are praying that souls will be won to Christ this summer as the marvelous message of salvation in Christ is proclaimed.
Many of you have been behind us with prayers and financial support for years. We truly appreciate your faithfulness and recognize your partnership in our ministry. Thank you.
In Christ,
Sam & Janet Grammer